Re-construction Works of Tångudden Quay
Tender Ref No: 255815-2017
Tender Details: Open Procedure
Work Profile: This works are being implemented to establish a new dock for an about 80m long coastguard vessel. Works consist of widening and extension of the western barrier arm, and dredging to a deep depth of -7.5m in the seaplane and quay position. The contaminated dredged material will be transported to Wallhamns harbour and dumped in a landfill site, located about 500m from the unloading dock, and the clean dredged material will be deposited in the offshore fill area of Nya Vinga, Gothenburg.
Project Stage: Tenders Invited
Project Period: Start: 11/09/2017 – End: 31/12/2018
Area: Sweden, Eskilstuna
Posted Dated: 05/07/2017
Tender Deadline: 24/08/2017
Fortifikationsverket, 202100-4607, Kungsgatan 43, Eskilstuna, 631 89, Sweden
Patrik Broberg
The tender information is collated by – Marine Fender Supplier