Quays Construction Projects
Tender Ref No: 243392-2017; 243394-2017; 243403-2017
Tender Details: Open Procedure
Work Profile:
The contract contained the following 3 separate projects located on the public domain of the eastern basins of the large seaport of Marseille (GPMM) in the Northern Pinède area:
1. A 42,000m2 area of land and 160 lin m. of quay, including 20 lin. m. RoRo quay;
2. Provision of a median of 74,500m2, a hangar of 3,000m2, as well as 430 lin.m. of quay;
3. Provision of a 10,000 m2 area on land, as well as 171 lin.m. and 58 lin. m. of quays.
Project Stage: Tenders Invited
Area: France, Marseille
Posted Dated: 27/6/2017
Tender Deadline: 31.7.2017-16:00 hrs
Promoter: Grand port maritime de Marseille, 23 place de la Joliette – CS 91965, Marseille Cedex 02, 13226, France
Tel: +33 491394933
Fax: +33 491394033
E-mail: marches-gpmm@marseille-port.fr
The tender information is collated by ChinaRubberFender.com – Marine Fender Supplier