Welcome to Marine Rubber Fender Supplier - Nanjing Deers Industrial Co.,Ltd

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Tender Ref No:153698-2018
Tender Details:Restricted Procedure. Reference No: CB/203644 Work Profile:
Main site or place of performance: Tilbury 2 Port Expansion: Marine Works & Terrestial Works. Location:Thames Tidal Estuary adjacent to Land at the former Tilbury Power Station, Tilbury, Essex, RM18 8UJ. Port of Tilbury London Limited (PoTLL) is suitably accredited and demonstrably experienced contractors to design and build new port facilities for the existing Tilbury Port. The purpose of the works is to increase capacity at the port by providing new fixed and floating berthing facilities for the unloading and loading of ships and new hard standings for cargo handling,processing and storage. The works will also include a new rail head, the construction of road and rail links to existing networks, and sundry port facility building works.
Project Stage: Tenders Invited
Value:£25,000,000 (Marine Works)
Area:UK, Tilbury
Posted Dated:10/04/2018
Tender Deadline:30/04/2018 – 12:00 Hrs
Promoter:Port of Tilbury London Limited, Leslie Ford House, Tilbury, RM18 7EH;E-mail: susan.goss@curriebrown.com
