United States – Maintenance Dredging of NY & NJ Channels Date:2023-01-16 The tender is invited for maintenance dredging of NY & NJ channels, Seguine/Ward/Outerbridge reaches, and federal navigation projects. Company: DEPT OF DEFENSELocation: United StatesDeadline: 2023-1-25Contact: KO CONTRACTING DIVISION 26 FEDERAL PLAZA ROOM 16 300 NEW YORK, NY 10278-0004 USATel: +1-9177906139Email_id: nicole.fauntleroy@usace.army.milWebsite: https://www.defense.gov/ Related Products Suction hose Discharge hose Floating hose Share: Share Prev: Supplied 320 sets arch rubber fenders for Xuwen Port Next: ID 625.8mm flexible rubber hoses were delivered to Central Asia RELATED How to install tugboat cylindrical fenders on the boat? 18’’ Floating Hoses Safely Arrive at Client’s Site How importance of abrasion resistance of dredging hoses Successful Shipment of Custom D-Type Fenders to South Asia Nanjing Deers Ships a batch of Floating Hoses to USA How to Choose Right Dredging Hoses for Your Project New batch of ID450mm floating hoses shipped to North America What are the important parameters to know when designing marine airbag size?