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Port Construction Works

Tender Ref No: 008961-2017

Tender Details: Open Procedure

Work Profile:
East Basins repairs, this framework agreement concerns the implementation of reinforced concrete tines forming the support cradle of the ships in the dry dock areas. The main forms 8, 9 and 10 are of high capacity and can be divided into two types: axial heads of 400t nominal capacity and lateral heads of 265t nominal capacity. The tines intended for the small forms of refitting, No. 1 on the one hand, and No. 2 to 6 on the other hand respectively have a nominal capacity of 120t and 80t. All the prefabricated elements must be given a perennial marking (in relief for example) suitable for its identification.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: 48 Months

Value: 1,600,000 EUR

Area: France, Marseille

Posted Dated: 10/01/2017

Tender Deadline: 8.2.2017

Grand port maritime de Marseille, 23 place de la Joliette, CS 81965, Marseille Cedex 02, 13226, France

Mme la directrice générale
Tel: +33 491394933;
E-mail: marches-gpmm@marseille-port.fr;
Fax: +33 491394033

The tender information is collated by ChinaRubberFender.com – Marine Fender Supplier
