Welcome to Marine Rubber Fender Supplier - Nanjing Deers Industrial Co.,Ltd

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E-mail: benny@chinarubberfender.com

Latest News: Shipment of Dia1200*L2000mm Grey pneumatic fenders

Recently, we have shipped a batch of grey pneumatic fenders to our Oceania client. The size of the pneumatic fender is Dia1200*L2000mm, which has a special color of grey. This solid and durable fender is designed to provide good protection for ships landing and ship-to-ship operation for our client.

Our fenders are chosen by our client for their superior performance, easy of installation and suitability for harsh marine environments. At the same time, we can also customize the fender size and color according to customer needs.

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This batch of pneumatic rubber fender has passed strict quality inspection and meets international standards. They will be shipped to our valued client and is expected to enhance their docking operations significantly.

If you want to know more about our rubber fenders, please contact us.

Nanjing Deers Industrial Co., Ltd
Fax:86-25 84660486
Whatsapp:+86 13376094258
Email: benny@chinarubberfender.com

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